Art Inspiration
I’d been looking forward to painting a bluegill (or bream) for a long time . This past summer, we were able to fish a good bit with our 3 kids. My 4 year old son was VERY into it. He loved it! He was able to remind me why I paint what I paint.
He would go and just sit on the dock with the rod in the water with literally nothing on the hook. I love the optimism of kids. Makes my heart smile.
He was so sad one morning, because his big boy cousins, big sister, dad and uncles had all caught something. He was feeling like a little brother (we all know the feeling:). FINALLY, he caught one - a big, beautiful bluegill. He was so tickled with his catch! We all celebrated with him and were grateful little Jake caught one - the most optimistic, patient one of all of us.
I mean, does it get much cuter than this?
(I personally think fishing in your pajamas helps as well.)
All the cousins gathered round - happy for Jake :)
I love this. This is where I want the heart of my art to come from.
Slow living at its finest.
Not everything I paint has such history and background and beautiful moments for me personally like Jake and his bream, but I know - YOU DO. We all have different life experiences that remind us of someone or a moment in time. I’m going to keep painting a variety of fish for that reason. You have a special bream moment too. I want to help you hold on to it.
So here is to more fishing adventures.
More water adventures.
More time with family.
One more cup of coffee and a slow morning.
They inspire my heart, and I hope they do the same for you as well!
-Emily G. Johnson